Property as an investment or not is what we are going to discuss in today’s post! We’ll go through why properties as an investment might be a great way to financial wealth and financial freedom. But, we’ll also have a look at the other side of the coin since we all like to make well founded decisions. The pros of property investment Some argue that properties have been or even
This is a question every homeowner is faced with sooner or later. Your lender will offer (or try to sell you) a fixed or a floating rate mortgage and you will have to make a decision, a decision which might impact you for decades. As a friend of mine just asked me how to think in this exact situation, I decided to share my response to him with you guys
This is based on a conversation I had with a friend the other day which got me thinking… Many of us are considering moving to a bigger (or just more expensive) place but the challenge is often having money for the deposit to secure a mortgage. So should one be saving up to buy a more expensive property at a later stage? Spontaneously it makes perfect sense as you are
Working from home has been a blessing for many of us these days but it also brings its challenges in terms of staying focused, motivated and keeping that momentum and energy. It’s time to step it up and become an action taker again! Regardless of whether you are working from home or not, I will here equip you with some very simple and actionable ways to make things happen in
If you go through your life just consuming products and services, you will get exactly what you pay for and most likely you will have very little to show for it. This can change by you becoming an owner of the brands and companies you really love and that can serve you for life. So ditch FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and FOPO (Fear of Other People’s Opinions) and start
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Why you should check your savings accounts every year!

Checking your savings accounts every year is key to making sure you are getting the best interest rate! It doesn't matter how much or how little you have at the moment, you should always make sure you...
An Ice Cold Shower – every morning!

I take an ice cold shower every morning and so should you! The benefits are instant and both physical and mental and you get an instant boost!
This is really how you kick start your day!...
Personal Inventory with the assistance of Napoleon Hill

Taking inventory of yourself helps you understand why you are not where you want to be and explains why you are where you are.
Napoleon Hill is a genius in his own right and what he produced almost o...
Nurture a tree and live off the branches!

To "nurture a tree and live off the branches" is a great metaphor I'm using for this post. I want to highlight the importance of not chopping down your tree (as in savings or investments) as soon as i...
Why I decided on starting a property company abroad!

Starting a property company abroad might sound like an odd thing to do but let me tell you why I decided to start it in the UK instead of in my home country Sweden. This is just an overview and for th...
Airbnb – dipping your toes into property investing

Airbnb might be both the best and easiest way to dip your toes into the world of property investing! In this post I will go through how easy Airbnb has made it for all of us to wanting to try out this...
Investing for our kids – why and how we do it

We are often asked about investing for our kids. If, how and why we do it (we actually only have one daughter but still) and hence we decided to write a post answering these questions....
Deliberate practice beats talent any day of the week!

Deliberate practice beats talent any day of the week so no more bullshit excuses of why you can't do this or that. Deliberate practice equals mastery!
Innate talent will have an impact early on but t...
Why Buffett is NOT buying stocks?!

The latest filing from Buffett’s Berkshire shows they were a NET seller of stocks in April. But the questions is why Buffett is not buying stocks during this current crisis? In this short post, ...
Fast(er) to FIRE via Investment Companies?!

Can you reach FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) faster by investing in Investment Companies? That might actually be the case and maybe even faster after the current market crash we have seen ...
Lockdown = re-evaluation of FI-numbers!

The current global crisis, triggered by Covid-19, means that many of us have had to significantly change how we live our lives. We don't know what long term financial consequences will be brought to u...
Think and Grow Rich – Principle 6: Organized Planning

Organized planning is the key to success. In this post you will learn why and how to do it but remember effective and efficient execution is instrumental to your success! This is one of the most compr...