There is a significant difference between how a rich mindset thinks about a big purchase versus other people. They use a completely different mindset when they approach a big purchase and that’s one of the reasons they are rich and most likely always will be! Why not just learn from them!?! The scenario Let’s use the example of buying a summer house (the big purchase). Regardless of which situation and
Napoleon Hill wrote his book “Think and Grow Rich” almost 100 years ago (1937) and his principles are still as valid today as they were back then. It is one of the best books ever written and if you want to be successful in life, this is THE ONE to read! This book was written during a period of 20-years (before internet and cheap flights etc….), whilst Napoleon was researching
All of us should be checking the interest rate we get on our savings accounts every year to make sure we get the best one! It doesn’t matter how much or how little one has, it’s about creating that habit of making sure your money is working for you (generating income). Remember that the compounding effect is the 8th wonder of the world according to Albert Einstein. Interest rates are
I take an ice cold shower every morning and for a very good reason, to brainwash myself into knowing that I’m in charge over that little voice in my head. Who’s the boss – I am!! Taking control over that monkey mind, is one of the absolute most important things to me. By having a freezing cold shower every morning, I am constantly training my mind to know who is
Doing a personal inventory helps you understand why you are not where you want to be and explains why you are where you are in life. Napoleon Hill is a genius in his own right and what he produced almost one hundred years ago is still very valid in our society today, especially if you are one of those wanting to be successful and live your life on your terms.
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The bear is here – FIRE dreams in flames?!

The bear (market) has arrived and over the last few weeks, financial markets have dropped with more than 20%. I will try to give you my take on the market in the light of the Corona virus (COVID-19) a...
JOMO – a natural thing for a FIRE aspirant!

The Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO) comes natural to Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) aspirants as well as to those who have reached Financial Independence (FI).
The way they have decided to liv...
Why interest rates on Savings Accounts are close to zero

Many people ask me why the interest on their savings accounts is zero or close to zero. In this post I explain why the rates are so low and what to do if one wants to get a better return on their mone...
Long term stay abroad – expensive?

Have you ever thought about a long term stay abroad but guessed it would be too expensive? We have just spent 6 weeks in Spain, including Christmas and New Years and yes it can be expensive but it doe...
How soon can you FIRE your boss??

Let's be honest, have we not all thought about this question at some point in our careers?
There might actually be an answer to that, if, you are interested in joining the Financial Independence Reti...
Why habits make all the difference in the world

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."- Will Durant.
Most of the things we do on a daily basis are the same things we have always done and they are done in the ...
Credit Card, Crazy Card or Creative Card??

Credit cards can be disastrous but they can also be amazing if you use them to your advantage! If you use them in a crazy way, they will cost you an arm and a leg and most likely headache, anxiety and...
Learners are Earners and Earners are Learners!

Learners are Earners and Earners are Learners and the ones who know the least tend to pay the most! I want you to be both a learner and a high earner. In this post I will give you a few clear examples...
Get a financial toolbox to serve you – for the rest of your life!

By having a financial toolbox and an understanding of how to use the tools to your advantage, you can become financially free. That means you can have the lifestyle you really want!
Would you hire a c...
Why Warren Buffett recommends Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

The oracle from Omaha, has dedicated his life to investing in the financial markets and it has made him a multi billionaire. When he passes, he wants his trust to invest his money in a low cost Exchan...
Think and Grow Rich – Principle 5: Imagination

"Man's only limitation, within reason, lies in his development and use of his imagination." - Napoleon Hill
We all choose how and to what extent we use our imagination but everything we accomplish in...
Number skills – why you have to know your numbers!

We get exposure to numbers all our lives and the ones who know their numbers or are willing to learn will live rich lives. That is a fact. The best thing is that it's easy to learn and hence change yo...