Main Content
Action To Happy Healthy Wealthy is a platform comitted to helping you living
Your Life On Your Terms.
On this platform we have gathered the most powerful tools, techniques, strategies and resources available with one purpose, assisting you in reaching your goals within every area of your life.
Decades of experiences, trial and errors have been compressed into impactful content, webinars and seminars which will save you years of time.
Start taking advantage of it today and your life will never be the same again!
Action To Happy Healthy Wealthy
To guide you on the way we have designed a clear step-by-step process where you go through our three pillars: Visions & Goals, Health and Wealth. This is the path towards becoming truly Happy Healthy and Wealthy!
Our Visions & Goals section is designed to assist you in:
- Finding your destination
- Creating your path
- Empowering you
- Gaining the momentum you need!
We all have different goals and ambitions in life and one does not have to be better than the another, they are just different. Success is what YOU want it to be, and the same goes for Life On YOUR Terms. Our goal with this platform is to assist you fully and authentically in any way we can so that you can truly live Your Life On Your Terms!
We are commiting to continously adding easily digestable content in various shapes and forms, all with clear and actionable points, so that you can reach your goals and dreams as smoothly as possible.
Desperation does not have to be the reason for changing the paths of our lives, like it was to us. Knowledge, inspiration, motivation and focused action is a much more pleasant (and healthy) way of getting what we want out of life. That is what we will provide on this platform and we are comitted to supporting you all the way towards a Life On Your Terms.
- Jakob & Hanna
What Property investment Strategy to use??

Having a Property investing Power Team!

How to CHANGE YOUR STORY and always be motivated!

Why property investments in the UK?

Why invest in Bitcoin now??

Property as an investment? – It’s up to you!

Fixed or Floating rate on my mortgage?

Need a deposit to secure a mortgage?

Getting back into momentum – hacks to working from home!

Be an owner, not just a consumer – ditching FOMO/FOPO!

How the rich think about a big purchase

Think and Grow Rich – Principle 7: Decisions

Why you should check your savings accounts every year!

An Ice Cold Shower – every morning!

Personal Inventory with the assistance of Napoleon Hill

Nurture a tree and live off the branches!

Why I decided on starting a property company abroad!

Airbnb – dipping your toes into property investing

Investing for our kids – why and how we do it

Deliberate practice beats talent any day of the week!

Why Buffett is NOT buying stocks?!

Fast(er) to FIRE via Investment Companies?!

Lockdown = re-evaluation of FI-numbers!

Think and Grow Rich – Principle 6: Organized Planning

The bear is here – FIRE dreams in flames?!

JOMO – a natural thing for a FIRE aspirant!

Why interest rates on Savings Accounts are close to zero

Long term stay abroad – expensive?

How soon can you FIRE your boss??

Why habits make all the difference in the world

Credit Card, Crazy Card or Creative Card??

Learners are Earners and Earners are Learners!

Get a financial toolbox to serve you – for the rest of your life!

Why Warren Buffett recommends Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Think and Grow Rich – Principle 5: Imagination

Number skills – why you have to know your numbers!

Your personality creates your personal reality!

The easiest way to an Empowering Money Mindset!

Billionaire Ray Dalio’s simplified investment portfolio

How to nail a job interview – Interview Day!

My birth story – a natural and amazing experience!

Are you stealing from yourself?!

Preparing for a natural birth

Life expectations – Why your life is not like you “want” it to be…

How to nail a job interview – Preparation is key!

Buying a property part 5 – Putting it on the market!

Buying a property part 4 – Renovation using “FIRE” logic!

Buying a property part 3 – Purchasing Process, Thoughts and Action!

Buying a property part 2 – What numbers to look at

Buying a property part 1 – why, what and where?

Our guide to anti-inflammatory eating

Passive Income Investment – What, Why and How?

Low costs – the effortless way to creating wealth!

How to always feel Financially Secure!

The “easy” way of becoming a dollar millionaire

What qualitarians eat

The 10 Key Questions I ask before making an investment

Eat healthy stuff but be smart about it and pocket the difference!

We need your help – improving a friend’s financial situation!

How to save +1000 USD in a few hours!

The 4% rule to FIRE!

FIRE aspirants – winners in falling markets!

Buying a new car – Wake the fck up!

Playing with FIRE?

The Wealth Pyramid

The Bucket System – Automating your Finances

Definition of Wealth – what does it mean to you?

The Language of Money – a language for life

Why we don’t eat wheat

Are you making money whilst sleeping?

Are you giving away HALF your PENSION (in investment fees)?

How To Change Your Money Mindset!

How and why we live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle

“Brainwash” yourself to success!

Habits of the Highly Successful – just copy them!

How to be in full control – Daily Focus

Get ahead with No Extra Time (NET)!

How to take control over your monkey mind!

How to make things happen for you – Reticular Activating System

How to break a bad habit and create an amazing one!

Think and Grow Rich – Principle 4: Specialized knowledge

How to prepare for a great night’s sleep – routines!

What Side Hustles are and how to make the most out of them!

Why deadlines are great to have!

Change your life with gratitude journaling

Think and Grow Rich – Principle 11: The Subconscious Mind

Meditation – why and how to get started!

Blue Zone – become a centurion!

Journaling – why and how to do it!

Autosuggestion works – we become what we think about!

Need more time? – Apply the 80/20 rule!

Leverage – why you should always use it (wisely)!

Start gaining momentum and keeping it!

Successful people meditate – do it you too!

Powerful body language – a game changer!

Tools for motivation – Podcasts, YouTube and Music

Finding your Passion – You HAVE Greatness within!

Creating a Winning Mindset!

How to create your own vision board

Think and Grow Rich – Principle 3: Autosuggestion

Think and Grow Rich – Principle 2: Faith

Think and Grow Rich – Principle 1: Burning Desire

Why I Choose To Be Courageous!

Helping the local Nicaraguan kids to dream!

To Measure Is To Know!

Introduction to our Wealth Section

Passive income and why you must care!

Boost your results!

What glasses are you wearing and why?

Taking Action and Making it all Happen!

SMARTER Goal setting for Faster Results

How to set your goals and start going for those dreams

How to Always have Enough Money!

Do you know where you are heading?

Thoughts become things – Visualize your Goals

Why Visualizing through a Vision Board

How to maximize your endurance and finish a 94km mountain bike race within 30 days!

How to find that place of peace and inner tranquility

Twelve reasons why you should always stay in a castle when on holidays



Beach challenge – starting with a juice detox!

How to accomplish twice as much per week by having outstanding morning rituals!